About The Kingdom Church
Our vision
Love Fellowship Tabernacle is a socially diverse group of believers in Jesus Christ whose commitment is to the deliverance, development and empowerment of the individual and the community for the building of God's Kingdom and whose worship is Spirit-Filled and bible-based.
Our Strategy
We commit ourselves to personal spiritual growth and discipleship. It is God’s will for every believer to mature in Christ-like character. Spiritual formation brings glory to our Creator and savior and validates our witness to the world. We use every effective means to spiritually develop believers and to prepare continuing generations for service.

We are determined to make a difference by bringing people to Jesus Christ, delivering them from all forces that would stop them from developing into dynamic and disciplined members of the church who are equipped to participate in life-giving, life-changing, and liberating ministry.
• We will ensure that all members understand the Biblical principle of love.
• We will ensure that all members will have an opportunity for educational growth and development.
• We will ensure that all members understand the principle of tithing (time, talent, and treasure)
• We will achieve effective communication in all areas.
• We will establish effective organizational structure to meet the needs of the Pastor the congregation and the community.
• We will provide the necessary resources to ensure spiritual, mental, physical and economic growth of our youth.